Saturday, February 14, 2009

Beware of mass posting =x

Omg! this is the first time I'm actually commited to blogging stuff on my blog =x

I'm usually a lazy blogger because I know that I live a totally boring life so to see me blog over here is totally a miracle! LOLZ

okok~ talk less and post more ^^;

^pointless stuff but well it's still my blog =p

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Let's go Prata Again! =3

Today, I decide that it was time to reformat my 3 year old laptop that I had been using for the past 3 years in my stay in RP. Wow~ amazingly I managed to survive with a slow and virus infected laptop without any reformatting. The IT technician there was pretty surprised. XD And he did a really efficient and great job at reformatting the whole thing even without me bringing my CD for installing my main hardware components of my laptop. *clap clap for a job well done*

While I was waiting for my laptop to be reformatted I accompanied one of my schoolmate, Stellar. Catch up with her and chat random stuff together. Well... All of a sudden, I had a craving for prata again. =x Yes.... PRATA <3 I ringed up the usual gang and asked if they want to have prata~ When my friend asked me which prata place we want to go to I was thinking of trying the garlic flavored and pineapple and cheese prata that Sei mentioned. And the place was near Daikon's house.

And thus, our journey for prata continues again~

After reformatting my laptop I went down to ang mo kio to wait for Snowi to drop by and we'll then pop by at Val's place to chill before heading to Daikon's place to meet up with Daikon and Sei. Snowi had fun playing with Val's tablet while I go raid her room for doujinshi and KHR collectibles. =p

Soon it was time to make a move to Daikon's place and we met up at the bus stop before heading down towards the prata place~ Taking a look at the menu, there are many interesting looking pratas and there were also some interesting beverages too. Being the less adventurous eater, I decided to stick with the traditional teh tarik. XD While, Val and snowi called for lassi some indian yogurt drink. It tasted like cheese. =x Val's salted lassi was really sour x_x while snowi's sweet lassi tasted so much better. It was interesting tasting something new once in a while but still I preferred teh tarik because I'm a tea lover. =x

When our pratas arrived, before we dig in, Sei decided to take some pictures so that she can post them up onto her blog~ ^^ (I'll definitely look at her blog when I'm hungry =p)

After our prata, we decided to walked back to Val's place again to chill out. As usual we raided her place for doujinshi and KHR goodies. =p And I told her jokingly Daikon and I will come burglar her place just for the KHR stuffs and saw a really cool One Piece 3D illustration book. XD And the most amazing stuff was her sakura addiction cds! 8D I wished I can have them too X3 mukuro and hibari~ covers.

As much as I'll like to stay at Val's place but, I had to return home otherwise my mummy will nag nag nag...

So that's all for now, kiwi signing off~

Monday, February 9, 2009

KHR what if reaction meme~ XD

KHR what ifs reaction meme~
by: chumee

Instruction: Err..Read the sentence, and type down your reaction. 8D

Warning(?): Some sentences may induce the 'WTF' expression. o_o

*You can write what your reaction will be and how the character will react to the situation. 8D


1.) Tsuna gets a perfect score in the finals.

- me> Congratz it must be reborn =x
- Tsuna> *nods* T^T

2.) Lambo lost his appetite.

- *stares at poison cookies* =x

3.) Ipin offers you a gyoza bun.

- Thank you!!! 8D *Accepts it happily and takes a bite* I simply love gyoza <3>

4.) Reborn became your home tutor.
- THANK YOU GOD! \0/ I always wanted a tutor~~~

5.) Ryohei stops saying 'EXTREME.'
- I'll tell him that Tsuna is finally going to sign up for his boxing club ^^

6.) Haru and Kyoko invite you to eat cake with them.
- Will be more than happy to join them <3>

7.) Gokudera got over his trauma(?) of Bianchi.
- me> What pretty shades you have~ *removes shades*
- Goku> *stomach rumbles and faint* X_X

8.) Hibari tells you he's going to bite you to death.
- me> come! =) I'll be honoured~ <3>
- hibari> ... *a big blue sweatdrop appears*
- me> *grabs hibari*
- hibari> O_O!

9.) You saw Mukuro eating pineapple.
- me> *joins in*
- mukuro> kufufu~
- me> kufufu>
- mukuro> kufufu no fu~ hmm... it tastes sour (>w<) you happen to have chocolate fondue? - me> *passes some chocolate sauce instead*

10.) Tsuna asks you to make Gokudera stop smoking.
- Goku> *pulls out some dynamite*
- me> *hides behind Bianchi*
- Goku> *turns green*
- Bianchi> I told you... smoking makes you sick...

11.) You *accidentally* (o rly) see Yamamoto take off his shirt. (this is after baseball practice. 8D)
- me> omg... *nosebleeds*
- yama> you okay? ^^;
- me> *faints from excessive bleeding*

12.) Lussuria acts manly and rejects all things gay, including Levi.
- me> it must be some medication he has being taking =x

13.) Levi got over his obsession love for Xanxus.
- me> YAY! Finally! who's the lucky guy/woman? =x

14.) Dr. Shamal suddenly chases men, instead of women.
- me> since when?
- shamal> It's been a fetish... shhh.... >.< - me> *shrugs* It must be the wonders of yaoi and doujins~ *winks* =p

15.) Bel becomes a pauper.
- me> sell your knives =3

16.) Viper (Mammon) became his adult self in front of you.
(extra question: how does he look like..?o_o)
- hmmm... I'll be looking at a censored face with plenty of pixels and blurry images... 0_0
Cannot focus D= it's too pixelated...

17.) Squalo was ambushed by crazy barbers and made his hair look like Kusakabe's.
- Squalo> VOIIIIII! IT MUST BE YOU CRAZY FANGIRLS' PLAN! *fights off barber*
- me> NO WAY! ROFL it's not my plan! But... I think XX might be interested to know how you'll react =p *calls Xanxus*
- Squalo> WTF!

18.) You saw Byakuran in a marshmallow man costume. (you know..Ghostbusters? 8D;; )
- me> *pokes byakuran*
- bya> *doesn't notice due to thick costume*
- me> I'll bite you to death!!! For making Mukuro disappear! *bites marshmellow* hmm~ taste good~ Can I eat you instead? =3
-bya> O_O

19.) Xanxus' new hobby is knitting.
- me> wow~ is that a hat? what a lovely shade of silver~ =) what is it made of?
- XX> *points to an emoing short hair squalo at the corner of the room*
- me> I see... I see... =x

20.) ...Amano Akira-sensei changes KHR's genre from shounen to shounen-ai / BL.
- WOOHOOO~ *dances* I want to see 6918, D18 and more~ <3 But wait doesn't it means that kyoko and haru will need to be guys? D= I bet all the male characters will be staring at us =x


Well... Finally it's done~ I hope everyone will like the meme~ <3

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kara! Kara! Karaoke! And Sambal~

Yay~ My Second Kara session at Crash Studio! Although I have to admit that my first trip there wasn't as good maybe cause I went with a bunch of friends that I wasn't too familiar with and that I wasn't familiar with singing in Japanese =x

But one definite thing was I enjoyed my time there with Daikon, Sei, Moomin, snowi, Val, Danz. The night before was crazy as we hard to search for lyrics and print them out so that we can sing them during the kara session. Unless to say that your hiragana, katakana and kanji is powerful enough you can forget about printing them. But kiwi is not! D= *so she has to print notes like crazy*

Alright moving on to Sunday~ I arrived there late and I was lost =x took the wrong exit and injuring my knee by accident while climbing up the escalator. Ouch >.< and after a few calls to Val I managed to find my way there =D Thank god. And so we made our way to Kara Kara at Crash Studio~ I bought some Old chang kee stuff to eat since we can bring outside food in~ <3

When I got there some of them were singing some chinese songs~ And I saw a song that I remembered my friend sang on my first K-Box session during my secondary school days... The rooftop song! XD Alright... As everyone took their turn to key in their song request onto the the machine~ and I know that it was massive spammage on the machine =x

Ok here's a list of songs we sang on the day itself... I can't remember every song but here's it goes:
- sakura addiction -yesh duet~~ I wanna sing it <3 sakura saku...
- mukuro's character song - kufufu kufufu kufufu no fu~ 8D
- hibari's character song - OMG it's freaking damn low and deep T^T I cannot sing it D8 *imagines a kid voice singing this song, this is how it will sound if i sang it*
- Dive to World - omg damn hard to sing x= I can't keep up with the rhythm... omgomgomgomg *faints*
- Boys and Girls - woo~ fast but fun but eventually we still died out at the end =x
- Doubt and Trust - yesh my most fav song from DGM 8D It was fun singing it but I know I sucked cos I couldn't keep up =x
- D'technolife by UVERWORLD~ - I loved this song too <3 It was tough but moomoo, snowi and me had fun singing it <3 (I WANT TO SING THIS SONG AGAIN!!!)
- Houki Hoshi - I wanted to sing this song it's so sweet~
- God Knows, Aozora no Namida, Dir En Grey here are some of the new songs that I heard and liked~ I love the way Sei sang the songs =p she have such a deep voice~ maybe I should ask her to sing hibari's char song instead XD *gets shot*

Well... towards the end of the karaoke we just speed sing our songs and before leaving the place =x

Soon it was evening when we left the place, and it was dinner time! we headed down to yoshinoya~ I miss Ebi and ordered a Ebi bowl to eat~

Doesn't it look delicous? =3

Right after dinner we headed back to The Borders to slack look at some books~ I was attracted to the dessert one~ I miss making cakes and cookies =x maybe I should try making desserts =3

Soon it was time to go home and we headed to the MRT and I realized something =x I should be taking the bus home instead!!! D= And I bidded my friends farewell and returned home by bus~ Omg I must be so tired that I forgot about it =s

okok... one more blog done and more to come I guess =p There's too many things to blog about all of a sudden =x

Alrights! Let's hope that I do not procrastinate =x Lazy kiwi signing off~

Friday, February 6, 2009

Let's go Prata <3

It's CNY and we decide to drop at Daikon's place to gather and chit-chat~ just random chats and a group of girls doing some bonding with gossips etc etc. =x

Well... being the boring nerd, I was missing my homework days from my secondary schools. I didn't have any while I was in Poly so I took Moomoo's maths homework and started doing it for fun. (omg... everyone hates homework but I actually miss doing them =x am I an alien?) As I did the homework I got stucked at one question, finding the number in between 2 given fractions. And decided to use the final equation to answer her question... Common sense: Use an arrow and point to the middle of the fraction and write, "Here it is!" As I moved on I decided to throw in the towel and seek consultation. The best is Sei came up with the best equation one can never think of... A equation specially dedicated to KHR! XD

Don't worry I did do a few questions seriously. And everthing was done in pencil. =)

Later after hours of chatting we decided to eat prata!!! I had been longing for prata a long long long long time <3 and it was about that time daikon's mum returned home too since it was chinese new year everyone received angbaos from Auntie~ (thanks so much~) and I also have to thank Daikon's mummy for the prata treat~ (Thank you for the blessings ^^)

At the Prata House, we ordered our pratas and drinks~ I miss milo dinosuar~ and ordered cheese and egg prata and a single plain prata~ the prata came with warm cheese oozing out of it. All the prata that everyone ordered looks so great though I wish I could try them all but I think I'll be a pig =x By the way I like Val's mutabak~ <3

milo dinosaurs and a tea~

omg... I love prata~ It must had been my mummy's craving that led me to love pratas and breads. XD She told me that it is a must for her to have prata when she was expecting me =p

Later, we dropped by at DaBian/Beef's place (omg sounds like a resturant except for the da bian part =x) she got this jack russel which is really cute and her name is Patches <3 her dog is so cute and obedient <3 but I'll prefer cats and rabbits though =x (mayb cause they're more quieter) =x

Alright I reached home really late and that's all folks~

kiwi signing off~

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My 1st Post! Mosaic MeMe~

Snagged this from zi xuan's LJ :)

1. Answer each of the questions below using Flickr Search.
2. Choose a photo from the first three pages.
3. Copy the URL of your favorite photo into:
4. Then share with the world.

1. First Name
2. Favorite Food
3. Hometown
4. Favorite Color
5. Celebrity Crush
6. Favorite Drink
7. Dream Vacation
8. Favorite Dessert
9. What I Want To Be When I Grow Up
10. Something I Love In The World
11. One Word That Describes Me
12. My LiveJournal Name


1. Kewen, 2. Wanton mee 云吞面, 3. Untitled, 4. Untitled, 5. Ice Age reaches Amsterdam 2009!, 6. Untitled, 7. Dread Spread 2008, 8. Hibird's Egg, 9. Hibird_by_Zaphk_by_KHRclub, 10. Untitled, 11. Untitled, 12. Untitled, 13. Untitled14. Not available15. Not available16. Not available