Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Let's go Prata Again! =3

Today, I decide that it was time to reformat my 3 year old laptop that I had been using for the past 3 years in my stay in RP. Wow~ amazingly I managed to survive with a slow and virus infected laptop without any reformatting. The IT technician there was pretty surprised. XD And he did a really efficient and great job at reformatting the whole thing even without me bringing my CD for installing my main hardware components of my laptop. *clap clap for a job well done*

While I was waiting for my laptop to be reformatted I accompanied one of my schoolmate, Stellar. Catch up with her and chat random stuff together. Well... All of a sudden, I had a craving for prata again. =x Yes.... PRATA <3 I ringed up the usual gang and asked if they want to have prata~ When my friend asked me which prata place we want to go to I was thinking of trying the garlic flavored and pineapple and cheese prata that Sei mentioned. And the place was near Daikon's house.

And thus, our journey for prata continues again~

After reformatting my laptop I went down to ang mo kio to wait for Snowi to drop by and we'll then pop by at Val's place to chill before heading to Daikon's place to meet up with Daikon and Sei. Snowi had fun playing with Val's tablet while I go raid her room for doujinshi and KHR collectibles. =p

Soon it was time to make a move to Daikon's place and we met up at the bus stop before heading down towards the prata place~ Taking a look at the menu, there are many interesting looking pratas and there were also some interesting beverages too. Being the less adventurous eater, I decided to stick with the traditional teh tarik. XD While, Val and snowi called for lassi some indian yogurt drink. It tasted like cheese. =x Val's salted lassi was really sour x_x while snowi's sweet lassi tasted so much better. It was interesting tasting something new once in a while but still I preferred teh tarik because I'm a tea lover. =x

When our pratas arrived, before we dig in, Sei decided to take some pictures so that she can post them up onto her blog~ ^^ (I'll definitely look at her blog when I'm hungry =p)

After our prata, we decided to walked back to Val's place again to chill out. As usual we raided her place for doujinshi and KHR goodies. =p And I told her jokingly Daikon and I will come burglar her place just for the KHR stuffs and saw a really cool One Piece 3D illustration book. XD And the most amazing stuff was her sakura addiction cds! 8D I wished I can have them too X3 mukuro and hibari~ covers.

As much as I'll like to stay at Val's place but, I had to return home otherwise my mummy will nag nag nag...

So that's all for now, kiwi signing off~

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